Having been advised to return home immediately by their university and/or their governments, many students are still being charged rent whilst their things remain in their student accommodation. This is often £hundreds or £thousands for an entire term.
The speed of the lockdown due to Covid-19 in March meant there was little time for students to arrange packing and shipment or storage of their things when they left their study accommodation and this was particularly true for international students who were desperately trying to get places on flights before they stopped. Consequently, many student rooms are full of abandoned property which can be difficult to recover due to controlled access for safety and security considerations as well as many students now being in different parts of the country – or even other countries!
The choices for students are stark! They either have to pay the rent bill, pay the disposal fees or make a difficult and expensive trip back to the accommodation to clear it themselves which, until recently, was contrary to UK government guidance.
This is why many universities and colleges have endorsed the PACK & SEND student effects collection service which allows students to have their things safely collected, packed and returned to their home (or stored until they return).
The comprehensive service includes liaising with the building managers to gain access, safely listing and packing the student’s personal effects and then arranging either secure local storage or shipment to the student’s home – wherever home may be!
Students at universities and other specialist colleges in London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, Bristol, Bath, Lincoln and other cities have already had their things recovered and anybody studying anywhere in the UK can book a collection through the local PACK & SEND service centre.