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Shipping to the United Kingdom

If you want to send parcels to the United Kingdom, PACK & SEND can help. From the buzz and glamour of London to the Scottish Highlands, we have the packing and shipping expertise you need.

PACK & SEND has more than 30 years’ experience as a specialist in freight forwarding, international shipping and door-to-door packing and delivery service, shipping items securely across Europe and beyond.

A particular focus is large, fragile, awkward and valuable items – no package is too big or too difficult. Our service centre experts will pack your item safely and deliver it to its destination in perfect condition.

Read on to find all the information you need for shipping items to the UK, from using the correct form of address to navigating customs regulations and import restrictions.

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PACK & SEND has a well-deserved reputation for delivering packages to the UK on time and in perfect condition. Our comprehensive range of services includes end-to-end tracking, expert packing and comprehensive insurance coverage for total peace of mind.

Whether you’re sending to family or friends, or you’re expanding your business into the UK, we know what it’s like to shift important cargo smoothly and efficiently. Let us handle the entire process for you. 

Perhaps you’re relocating to the UK or sending valuables to overseas clients. Whatever the mission, you can trust PACK & SEND to tailor a complete packing and delivery service to your needs.

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Before sending goods to the UK, make sure you understand the nation’s import regulations, as well as the additional rules imposed by the European Union. Shipping to the UK has become slightly more complicated post-Brexit, with extra checks, tariffs, and regulations.

Parcels entering the UK from other countries are now subject to additional customs and duty fees, which are charged to the recipient. UK-based senders need to submit a commercial invoice to ship products, too. This helps customs officials determine whether imported items should be subject to import duties and, if so, how much they need to charge.

Find out how Brexit affects your shipping plans and costs on our dedicated page. At PACK & SEND, we’re here to help you find the right packing and shipping solution for your package.

Some packages may be exempt from customs charges – like personal effects and items intended as gifts – provided they meet the UK’s unique import regulations. Parcels valued under €22 (or equivalent in GBP) may also be exempt from import charges.

Make sure your package qualifies for the Customs Duty and VAT-free allowance by following the shipping instructions issued by the UK government.

Some common mistakes include:

  • Not filling in the paperwork correctly (putting information in the wrong place or missing sections entirely)
  • Trying to send prohibited or restricted items
  • Being too vague or not providing enough detail on your items – e.g., instead of just saying ‘clothes’, state ‘2 x men’s cotton shirts, made in Spain’
  • Sending items without the correct licences and certificates

At PACK & SEND, we have a thorough knowledge of the UK’s import criteria and we’ll work closely with you to make sure your cargo is fully compliant.

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Keeping the Paper trail Intact


On top of each nation’s unique import regulations, there is post-Brexit red tape to navigate.

Take time to understand exactly what items can be imported, in what quantities, and which items are prohibited. Always check restricted items and size or quantity allowances before sending, as prohibited items may be destroyed or returned to you at a charge.

For example, most weapons and firearms are prohibited, while meat, milk, and dairy products are subject to restrictions too.

If you’re unsure whether your items are permitted, check the regulations set out on the UK Customs and Excise website.

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When shipping to the UK, the recipient’s name should be on the first line, with the property number and street name on the next line. If relevant, write the location name (e.g., village) on the third line, and the town or city in block capitals on the next line (e.g., LONDON). The postcode should go on the final line.

For example:
Mrs V Hall
12 Belgrave Square

Include your return address on the opposite side of the package to the delivery address.

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Flag of Great Britain


By using our tailored, safe and secure deliveries of awkward or valuable parcels to the UK, with PACK & SEND you can trust that your items will arrive in perfect condition.

With a signature on delivery and our comprehensive loss or damage cover you’ll have the best possible protection and ultimate peace of mind.

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