Gallery Of Missing Art

Year Made
Year Missing
Estimated Value
Location Last Seen
Artist Name

The Just Judges

Jan van Eyck

Style: Gothic
Year Made: 1432
Year Missing: 1934
Estimated Value:
Location Last Seen: Saint Bavo Cathedral, Ghent, Belgium
How Lost: Stolen
The Ghent Altarpiece had survived nearly everything history could throw at it for 500 years - fire, multiple thefts and dismemberment. But in 1934, one of its 12 panels was stolen.
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Gallery of



We’ve collected 40 lost artworks with the highest estimated market values in an online gallery.

This gallery contains art that’s both known to be irretrievably lost, and that which it’s possible could be found again.

You should know which ones to keep an eye out for, as it’s always possible that you could come across one languishing in a charity shop. You never know, it’s happened before...


Data on missing works of art was gathered from Wikipedia, the Monuments Men and museum and art gallery websites.

Unless valuation was already present, records of previous auctions of similar artworks by the same artist have been used to estimate a value.

In some cases, a photograph of the artwork either does not exist (e.g. Canaletto’s Riva degli Schiavoni in Venice), or is not high-quality enough to display (e.g. Nolde’s At the Sea II). In these cases every effort has been made to display a close variant of the missing piece, where possible from the same series. These have been highlighted in the appropriate places in the additional information provided about the artwork.

There are two cases where copies of the original by different artists are shown instead of the original. These are also highlighted in the additional information provided.